DEVOPS Engineer
2015 - 10/2017
Worked on Geoplatform; a federal cross-agency collaborative effort focused on geospatial, community, and data transparency for the Department of Interior. Performed AWS Cloud management providing complete life-cycle administration of multiple environments using continuous code delivery for increased uptime utilizing some of the following techniques for LAMP and MEAN stack applications which encompasses the following:
- Initially, product rollouts were cumbersome and performed manually at DOI datacenters. A migration plan to move the product to AWS was drafted, proposed, and executed. I was responsible for technical rollout, CI/CD development, patching, and maintenance. o I provided programming for multi-stage code delivery on Linux systems. Responsible for over 100 EC2 instances, associated load balancers, S3 datastores, cloudwatch metrics, and lambda functions for a development, staging, and production environment. My responsibilities include code deployment and automation of Geoplatform NodeJS and LAMP applications using automation techniques written in BASH, Python, and YML, while leveraging AWS CodeDeploy with EC2 and ELB. We staged our deployment using a blue/green technique to validate service availability prior to deploying. CI/CD functions performed encapsulates the application lifecycle from development through parts of the maintenance cycle. (backup, file sync, patching) End result was overall time + cost savings, automated development builds, push button production deployments, and operation with a smaller team size.
- I provided AWS administration that provides, but not limited to ensuring Elastic Load Balancer availability. Upkeep of Amazon Linux EC2-Instances and associated AMIs and Snapshots, Relational Database Services configuration and upkeep, S3 configurations to provide data availability for automated deployments and maintenance cycles. Used billing dashboard for cost management of multiple AWS accounts. I also used AWS Lambda to script power off/on for development environments to reduce costs during non-peak hours.
- Performed website maintenance for company and external sites front-end, using HTML and CSS standards. Back-end maintenance of databases, site data files, and operating system updates. Provided scanning, analysis, and remediation of information systems. Our identity provider for GeoPlatform used SAML, and I provided administration and break fix of this service as needed. I provided MySQL database administration which includes backup, restoration, patching, and other maintenance. I became very familiar with the operation of Drupal and Wordpress, which I then incorporated into our CI/CD pipeline. For other company projects I provided guidance, management, and development of multiple cloud environments.
- Developed a proxy service to allow users to stream on-demand audio from a music streaming service on a mobile web app.
- Built interactive audio and visual feedback using the HTML5 web audio api and SVG.
Network Support Lead
2014 - 2015
Supporting the (GBOSS) Ground Based Operational Surveillance System, I had overall responsibility for all network configuration, testing, and documentation.
- At this point in the SDLC, GBOSS was transitioning out of engineering focus and to more of a maintenance stage. In order to provide quality assurance I perform systems analysis and testing of all network solutions and configuration enhancements. This ensures that the system falls within acceptable performance baselines. Additionally, I developed and coordinated software regression test plans for execution after each two week sprint cycle. Provided quality assurance and other technical support before equipment is emplaced in theatre environments. This involved direct support to “high-bay / FSR” personnel at the SAIC facility. I acted as a liaison between these staging personnel and engineering.
- Supported field testing using a Linux base Enhanced Battlespace Reconnaissance Intelligence and Surveillance (EBRISS) software to manage sensors during field testing. I worked with G-BOSS software, network, and information assurance team to develop mission critical solutions that fit needs of each functional area.
Network Engineer
2012 - 2014
Novonics was purchased by Camber. Also, this is during early engineering lifecycle for the expeditionary system. I provided a wide range of system analysis, requirements gathering, and engineering services to the Ground Based Operational Surveillance System (GBOSS). This included:
- Predecessor systems had relied solely on unicast video deliver for distributed nodes. A requirement to deliver video using multicast subscription was levied. Our team redesigned existing unicast network infrastructure to allow client endpoints subscriptions to real-time Protocol Independent Multicast video streams, while providing the ability to transport other mission critical protocols and data.
- Other requirements emerged to provide voice to each interconnected operator post. I integrated Cisco based Voice over IP (VoIP) solution into the network and OS using Call Manager Express in conjunction with Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for hardware and software based telephony services. Other network roles involved writing and maintaining network centric documentation plus procedures related to requirements, design, implementation, testing, versioning, and specifications.
- I worked with software, manufacturing, and production teams to ensure correct network operational and installation procedures. Provided troubleshooting of system elements when necessary. Since network deployments were cumbersome and error prone assisted with development of BASH and Python scripts, helped develop automation procedures for configuration of GBOSS network devices over serial communications using pyserial library.
- In order to test operational readiness I configured Enhanced Battlespace Reconnaissance Intelligence and Surveillance EBRISS systems for field testing exercises. This allowed for a pass/fail of system configuration prior to reporting to the program office. Ultimately, the system was fielded and deployed to multiple OCONUS sites.
Systems Analyst
2008 - 2012
With Novonics, I provided solutions and support in a multitude of internal and contract based projects including the following:
- Supported the Battle Force Tactical Trainer (BFTT) to provide technical support for software integration, updating documentation, and providing technical support in accordance with engineering guidelines. Much of the work revolved around gold imaging systems initially, but later transitioned to network support and encryptor firmware update cycles.
- During the building of LHA and LPD hull types, the US Navy requested a dedicated portal to track installation control documents, engineering specs, customer requirements, meeting minutes, and other data required for the design and build process. This necessitated the Amphibious Ships Web Application Suite (AWAS) which leveraged Microsoft Office SharePoint Suite 2007 as the core collaboration tool. I performed design requirements analysis, workflow design and implementation, and maintenance lifecycle of the platform. The AWAS suite was used throughout the shipbuilding process and sunset after the launch of the initial LHA and LPD hulls.
- IT systems efficiency for maintenance and accountability was suffering due to lack of consolidated approach. With a company of around 200 employees, each office had been responsible for their own IT system lifecycle. Under minimal supervision coordinated new office IT rollouts which included, asset purchasing, infrastructure installation, user support, and configuration documentation. I migrated critical company Deltek, GCS, and ADP payroll data from legacy hardware and software environments into updated operating environment while minimizing operational downtime and risk. Planning, implementation, and maintenance of payroll warm-site environment, which included automated backups, operational readiness testing, user support. I assisted with network design and implement secure company intranet environment utilizing IPSEC tunnel mode between multi-office locations, while segregating different network traffic types via VLAN implementation, and providing VPN capabilities for off-site users. Additionally, I was responsible for the administration and maintenance of company critical data environments including but not limited to: WSS 3.0 SharePoint, mixed mode Active Directory multi-site locations, Hyper-V administration, and Backup Exec. I provided real time network monitoring of interconnected site locations for a central network operations center using cost effective hardware and software solutions.